Aldi IE Specialbuys Thur 21 Jan / Sun 24 Jan

Let ’s make a batch!

Irish Lean Bean Beef Mince

Choose from Red Lentils or Haricot Beans. €6.15 per kg

€2.79 454g

Store and freeze leftovers to keep food fresher for longer. Visit for great money- saving tips and ideas on how to reduce food waste.

The ultimate batch cooking recipe Can you really find a nicer dish than spag hetti bolognese? It’s the perfect dish to prepare in advance – a real time-saver, ideal for the k ids and the best part is the flavours enhance each day. Topped with some lovely peppery ro cket, balsamic vinegar and black pepper, I may as well be in Rome! So, make a big pot!

It’s so easy! Mince meat is ideal for freezing and defrosts really well. You can also use as a base for lasagne. Make sure you buy w ith a long shelf life so it lasts in the fridge! It’s so healthy! You can reduce calories by buying mince with less fat, bulking up w ith lots of vegetables. It’s so versatile It can easily be made vegetarian by using the Quorn mince fro m the freezer and bulking up on the vegeta bles!


INGREDIENTS Spaghetti Bolognese

Don’t eat meat? Simply swap the mince meat for Quorn –




it’s just as delicious!

89c per kg Spaghetti 89 c 1kg

• 200g Minced Beef, extra lean • 100g Cherry Tomatoes, halved • 50g tinned Chopped Tomatoes • 1 clove of Garlic, crushed • 1 Onion, chopped • 1 Red and 1 Green Pepper, deseeded and sliced

Fruity and full bodied flavour. €3.99 per litre Extra Virgin Olive Oil €2.99 750ml

• 100g Spaghetti • 1 tbsp Tomato Purée • 2 tsp Olive Oil • 10g Basil


Cook pasta for approximately 10 minutes. Add chopped cherry tomatoes, tomato purée, tinned tomatoes, olive oil and basil to a saucepan, then simmer on a medium heat for 5-10 minutes until tomatoes are soft. Set aside. In a separate pan cook the mince meat until brown and drain excess juice. Return pan to the heat and add in the garlic, onion and peppers. Add the sauce and simmer until vegetables are soft for approximately 10 minutes. Drain the spaghetti, add the mince and tomato sauce and serve!

Tomato Purée

€1.13 per kg Chopped Tomatoes 45 c 400g

€2.45 per kg

49 c 200g


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