Amazing offers Everyday
49 c 1kg Baby Potatoes
49 c 250g Cherry Tomatoes
99 c
79 c
69 c 7 pack Fun SIze Bananas
Easy Peelers
69 c 750g
99 c 5 pack PinKids® Apples
99 c 500g Red Grapes €1.99
Up to 50
% off
Aldi Super 6 fruit & veg offers. 6 of your 5-a-day.
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Cherry Tomatoes 250g, €1.96 per kg. Baby Potatoes 1kg, 49c per kg. Fun Size Bananas 7 pack, 10c each. Easy Peelers 750g, 92c per kg. Red Grapes 500g, €1.98 per kg. PinKids® Apples 5 pack, 20c each. Please see in store for latest offers. Fruit and Veg offers available Thursday 27 August 2020 to Wednesday 2 September 2020. New offers start Thursday 3 September 2020. Prices are correct at time of going to print but, due to growing conditions, are subject to change. Please see in store for latest offers.
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