79 c 24 pack Mamia Newborn Nappies Size 1
Brannan’s Cocktail Sausages €1.59
79 c 454g
Ice Cream Choose from Mint Choc Chip or Toffee Ripple. 99 c
Lighter Spread
89 c
49 c 500g
49 c 568ml
Up to 50
79 c 104g/160g Crunchie/ Double Decker
Apple Juice
% off
79 c
49 c 1 litre
Enjoy unbeatable value on groceries every day with our Amazing Grocery 6 offers. AVAILABLE FROM WED 28 JULY– TUES 10AUG WHILE STOCKS LAST
Mamia Newborn Nappies Size 1 24 pack, 3.3c per nappy. Brannan’s Cocktail Sausages 454g, €1.74 per kg. Lighter Spread 500g, 98c per litre. Ice Cream 568ml, 86.3c per litre. Crunchie/Double Decker 104g/160g, €7.60/€4.94 per kg. Apple Juice 1 litre, 49c per litre. All offers are limited to 6 units per product per customer. Aldi reserves the right to withdraw the offer at any time or to vary the elements of the promotion. Prices are correct at time of dispatch and are subject to change.
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