ALDI IE Thur 31 Oct / Sun 3 Nov

Amazing range in store EVERY DAY

Seal Bars €7.36 per kg

€1.49 ONLY 202.4g

Titan €5.66 per kg

€1.29 ONLY 6 x 38g

Racer €5.66 per kg

Halloween Barm Brack with Ring See in store for great price

€1.29 ONLY 6 x 38g

Spuddy’s Cheese & Onion Flavour Crisps €8.27 per kg €1.29 ONLY 6 x 26g

Hot & Spicy Monster Claws €9.55 per kg €1.49 ONLY 6 x 26g

Salt & Vinegar Sticks/ Onion Rings €8.25 per kg

Hoops €11.45 per kg

Traditional Barm Brack with Ring See in store for great price

€2.29 ONLY 8 x 25g

99 c ONLY 6 x 20g

Choose from Regular or Zero. 37.5c per litre Sparkling Orange 75 c ONLY 2 litres

In store Sun 3 Nov

+25c deposit

Choose from Regular or Zero. 39.5c per litre Cola 79 c ONLY 2 litres

MilkyWay/Bounty Hot Chocolate

Choose from Milk or Caramel. €19.19/€25.90 per kg Galaxy Blocks €2.59 135g/100g ONLY

€9.96 per kg

€2.49 250g ONLY

+25c deposit

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