ALDI IE Thur 4 Jan / Sun 7 Jan

Amazing range in store EVERY DAY

Peanut Butter

Black Beans/ Green Lentils

Choose from Crunchy or Smooth. €6.06 per kg

Mixed Beans

Taco Mixed Beans

€2.58 per kg, drained

€3.62 per kg, drained

€2.51 per kg

85 c 390g, drained weight 235g ONLY

62 c 400g, drained weight 240g ONLY

99 c 395g ONLY

€2.85 470g ONLY

Soya Pot

Soya Drink

100% Pure Squeezy Honey

Choose from Blueberry, Natural or Vanilla. €2.78 per kg

Choose from Sweetened or Unsweetened. 89c per litre


43 c 400g, drained weight 240g ONLY €1.79 per kg, drained

€3.72 per kg

€1.69 454g ONLY

€1.39 500g ONLY

89 c 1 litre ONLY

Vegan Chocolate Bar Choose from Milk, Dark or Blonde. €19.90 per kg

Barista Oat Drink

€1.49 per litre

€1.49 1 litre ONLY

€1.99 100g ONLY

Scan the QR code for the full recipe.

Why not try a Vegan Pesto Pasta? Scan to see our delicious plant-based Pesto Pasta, perfect for an easy mid-week meal.


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