ALDI IE Thurs 4 Nov / Sun 7 Nov

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Choose from Fizzy Bubblegum Bottles, Fizzy Dummies, Fizzy Cola Bottles or Strawberry Milkshake Bottles. €5.66 per kg Jelly/Bottle Mix

99 c 175g

99 c 140g €7.07 per kg Maoam Mix

Add a spooktacular twist to the classic noughts and crosses game! Simply switch the nought and cross symbols for a crafty ghoul or ghost and draw a 9 square grid with two lines crossing another two lines at right angles. Pick your side, Bat or Ghost and play on! The winner is the person who managed to fill three squares in a rowwith their bat or ghost either across, down or diagonally.

Laces/Belts/ Lances/Pencils

35 c 75g €4.67 per kg

99 c 6 x 25g €6.60 per kg Spuddy’s Crisps

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