€1.49 200g Brannan’s Deli Style Carved Ham
79 c 800g Multigrain €1.09
Irish Mature White Cheddar
79 c 100g Dairyfine Chocolate Bunny
€1.49 350g
€1.49 320g Brannan’s Slices Choose from Chicken or Turkey.
€2.49 10 x 250ml Kids Water €2.79
Up to 45
% off
Enjoy unbeatable value on groceries every day with our Amazing Grocery 6 offers. AVAILABLE FROM WED 13 APR– TUE 26APR WHILE STOCKS LAST
Brannan’s Deli Style Carved Ham 200g, €7.45 per kg. Multigrain 800g, 99c per kg. Dairyfine Chocolate Bunny 100g, €7.90 per kg. Irish Mature White Cheddar 350g, €4.26 per kg. Kids Water 10 x 250ml, €1.00 per litre. Brannan’s Slices 320g, €4.66 per kg. All offers are limited to 6 units per product per customer. Aldi reserves the right to withdraw the offer at any time or to vary the elements of the promotion. Prices are correct at time of dispatch and are subject to change. 30
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