ALDI IE Thurs 02 Sep / Sun 05 Sep

They’re simple to prepare, easy to cook and they’re packed with fresh flavours. Give them both a try this week with your family. Amazingmeals made easy.

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Top Tip To change up the flavour melt the

cheese through your white sauce instead of sprinkling it on top

Lasagne Sauces 75 c 480g/500g €1.56/€1.50 per kg

Mid-Week Cheat Short on time? Use our pre-made

sauces to save making them from scratch.




Lasagne with Crispy Salad



For the Bolognese Sauce • 400g Lean Beef Mince • 2x 400g cans Chopped Tomatoes • 3 Courgettes, grated • 300g Spinach, shredded • 200g Mushrooms, finely sliced • 1 Onion, thinly sliced • 4 cloves Garlic, crushed • 1 tsp Mixed Herbs • 1 tbsp Olive Oil • Salt and Pepper

For the White Sauce and Salad • 125g Light Mozzarella Ball, sliced • 10 Lasagne Sheets (wholemeal if possible) • 800ml Low Fat Milk • 50g Low Fat Grated Mozzarella • 20g Butter • 20g Flour • Spray Oil • 120g bag of Rocket and 150g bag of Mixed Leaves in one bowl

Pre-heat oven to 180ºC. Heat oil in a deep non-stick saucepan. Add the onions and cook for 3 minutes unt il soft, add the garlic and stir. Add the mince and cook u ntil browned. Add the courgettes, spinach and mushroom s and stir. Add the tomatoes and stir. Add the herbs and salt and pepper and simmer for 20 minutes. Meanwhile prepa re the white sauce. Melt the butter in a non-stick saucepan. Add flour, and thenmilk stirring all the time. Cook over a lo w heat and add the grated mozzarella cheese when removin g from heat. Next, spray some oil in the base of a large ovenp roof dish. Cover the base of the dish with a layer of white sa uce. Next, add a layer of lasagne sheets. Then add some m ore white sauce, followed by a layer of meat sauce. Add so me more white sauce and more lasagne sheets. Add the l ast of the white sauce and finish off with the remaining m eat sauce. Top with the sliced mozzarella cheese and plac e in the oven to cook for 45 minutes. Serve with crispy rock et and mixed leaf salad.

€4.89 800g Irish 4%Fat Lean Round Steak Mince Family Pack €5.49

Super 6 offer

€6.11 per kg

Chopped Tomatoes with Herbs 59 c 400g €1.48 per kg

Lasagne Sheets

Grated Mozarella

Baby Mushrooms

Courgettes 89 c 500g €1.78 per kg

45 c 500g 90c per kg

99 c 250g €3.96 per kg

79 c 150g €5.27 per kg


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