ALDI IE Thur 25 Jul / Sun 28 Jul

PRICES TO RAISE YOUR SPIRITS. No matter the weather, sip back and relax with refreshing beers and on-the-go cocktails at pour-fect prices.

Club 87 Liqueur Choose from Lemon or Strawberries & Cream.

€19.99 70cl ONLY

Beefeater Pink Strawberry Gin & Tonic

Splash Sparkling Cocktail

€6.97 per 70cl

Choose from Watermelon, Sicilian Lemon or Strawberry. €5.57 per 70cl

€2.49 250ml ONLY

€1.99 250ml ONLY

+15c deposit

Bulmers 12 Pack

€4.44 per litre

+15c deposit

€16 12 x 300ml ONLY

Alcohol can be sold during these times: Monday to Saturday from 10.30am to 10.00pm. Sunday from 12.30pm to 10.00pm. Photography shows serving suggestion.


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