Specialbuys may be delayed. Please check aldi.ie for more details.
Buy in store THUR 18 NOV
Choose from silver Metal Snowflake, gold Metal Stag, gold Metal Tree or silver Metal Star. Stocking Holder
€7.99 each
Each sings and dances along to a Christmas song. Choose from Santa with gifts, Llama, or Dog with antlers. Singing & Dancing Plush
€12.99 each
Resin Tealight Holder
Choose from Bronze Stag, Bronze Stag Family or Silver Polar Bear Family.
€14.99 each
• Choose from 5 piece Nativity or Christmas Characters sets • Nativity set includes 3 Wise Kings, Mary & Joseph, Shepherd, Angel and Baby • Christmas Characters set includes Santa, Christmas Tree, Snowman, Reindeer and Robin Festive Wooden Russian Dolls €9.99 set
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