ALDI IE Thurs 18 Nov / Sun 21 Nov

Show-stopping desserts.

Wow your guests with indulgent puddings that really put the icing on the cake.

Laura’s Irish Vintage Christmas Pudding

The recipe for this 9 month matured Christmas pudding has been handed down through the generations of Stafford bakers. Made using Aldi’s own Salvado Rum and full of the rich flavours of fruit, cider, cognac, brandy and Irish stout. €11.01 per kg ON SALE NOW

¤9.99 907g


® SILVER 2021

Panettone A traditional Italian sweet bread. Choose from Classic or Choc Chip. €6.65 per kg ON SALE NOW ¤4.99 750g

Damson Plum & Pink Gin Pudding/Figgy Pudding

Mince Pies from 89 c per pack

Choose from a shimmering gold fruit pudding with a hidden Victoria plum and gin sauce or a rich fig and nuts pudding drenched with rum and cider and a sticky toffee rum centre. €11.24 per kg ON SALE NOW ¤8.99 800g


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