ALDI IE Thur 30 Jan / Sun 2 Feb

Amazing range in store EVERY DAY


Lamb & Aubergine Tagine with Lemon & Coriander Cous Cous. Serves: 4 Prep: 6 minutes Cook: 15 minutes

Ingredients • 465g Diced Lamb • 1 Red Pepper, diced • 1 Green Pepper, diced • 1 Red Onion, sliced • 2 packs of Lemon & Coriander Cous Cous • 1 Jar of Specially Selected Aubergine Tagine Cooking Sauce • Oil for frying

Method Heat the oil in a large frying pan and cook the lamb for 5-6 minutes. Add the onion and peppers and cook for 5 minutes. Cook the cous cous as per the instructions on the packet. Add the aubergine tagine sauce to the lamb and bring to a simmer for 2 minutes. Serve the tagine on a bed of the cous cous.

See our range of Specially Selected cooking sauces in store now

Lemon & Coriander Cous Cous

Offer available from Thur 30 Jan – Wed 12 Feb

€5.40 per kg

54 c 100g ONLY

Irish Lamb Choose from Diced or Minced. €10.91/€7.51 per kg €3.49 ONLY 320g/465g

Alcohol can be sold during these times: Monday to Saturday from 10.30am to 10.00pm. Sunday from 12.30pm to 10.00pm. Photography shows serving suggestion. While stocks last.


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